Here are some scholarly articles and books for those who are interested to read more on Tibet and minorities in China. It's divided into economic development aspect and minority governance.If you have any resources to share you can add into the comment section of this site or on the facebook forum section on the Tibetan-Chinese Youth Dialogue Project (TCYDP).
Economic and Ecological Development in Tibet
Fisher, Andrew. State growth and social exclusion in Tibet: Challlenges of recent economic growth. Copenhagen. NIAS Press 2005
Yeung YM and Jianfa, Shen: developnh china’s west: a critical path to balanced national development. Hing Kong. Chinese university press.2004
Brown, Colin. Waldron and Longworth . Sustainable development in Western China. Manading people,livestiock and grassland in pastoral areas. UK: Edward Elgar. 2008
Lun Ding and William Neilson Eds. China’s West region development: domestic strategies and global implications. London: World publishing. 2004
- China’s west development strategy and Rural empowerement: is thre a link? A Case study of the Tibetan plateau
Tuttle, Gray. 2005. Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China. New York: Columbia University Press.
Wang, Yi. 2006. “
Huber, Toni and Poul Pedersen. "Meteorological Knowledge and Environmental Ideas in Traditional and Modern Societies: The Case of
Kenneth Lieberthal, 1997. “
Skinner, Mark W., Alun E. Joseph and Richard Kuhn. 2003. “Social and environmental regulation in rural
Huber, Toni and Poul Pedersen. "Meteorological Knowledge and Environmental Ideas in Traditional and Modern Societies: The Case of Tibet," in Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute (NS)3: 577-598.
Veeck, Gregory, Clifton Pannell, Christopher Smith, and Youqin Huang.
and the dynamics of political, economic, and social change. 2006.
Lieberthal, Kenneth, 1992. Bureaucracy, Politics, And Decision Making In Post-Mao China. Berkeley: University of California Press
Muldavin, Joshua. 1997. “The limits of market triumphalism in rural
Hongyi Harry Lai : China's Western Development Program: Its Rationale, Implementation, and Prospects
Modern China 2002 28: 432-466.
Lin, Wuu-long and Thomas P. Chen. 2004. “China’s widening economic disparities and its ‘go west program.’ Journal of Contemporary China 13(41):663-686.
Yeung, Yue-man and Jianfa shen. 2004 Developing China's West : A Critical Path to Balanced National Development. The Chinese University Press.
6Bauer, Ken. 2005. “Development and the enclosure movement in Pastoral Tibet since the 1980s” Nomadic Peoples 4(1): 53-83.
Miller, Daniel. 2000. “Tough times for nomads in western China: Snowstorms, settling down,fences and the demise of traditional nomadic pastoralism.” Nomadic Peoples 4(1): 83- 109.
Bauer, Ken. 2005. “Development and the enclosure movement in Pastoral Tibet since the 1980s” Nomadic Peoples 4(1): 53-83.
Shen, Jianfa. 2004. “Population growth, ecological degradation and construction in the western region of
Clarke, Graham E. 1987. “
Western Tibetan Plateau". Nomadic Peoples 28 (1991):105-122.
Goldstein, Melvyn C., and Cynthia M. Beall. 1991. "Change and Continuity in Nomadic Pastoralism on the No. 237.
Lin, George CS, Samuel PS Ho, 2005. “The state, land system and land development processes in contemporary China.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95(2):411-436.
Yeh, Emily T. 2003. “Tibetan range wars: Spatial politics and authority on the grasslands of Amdo.” Development and Change. 34(3):499-523.
Yan, Zhaoli, Wu Ning, Yeshi Dorji and Ru Jia. 2005. “A review of rangeland privatization and its implications
on the Tibetan plateau,
HKH-Tibetan Plateau Rangelands.” ICIMOD:7-12.
Miller, Daniel J. 1994. “Herds on the Move – Winds of Change among Pastoralists in the
Miller, Daniel J. 1996. “New Perspectives on Range Management & Pastoralism & Their Implications for the Tibetan Plateau.” Discussion Paper Series No. MNR 95/2. Kathmandu, Nepal: ICIMOD.
Clarke, Graham E. 1987. “China’s Reforms of Tibet and their Effect on Pastoralism,” IDS Discussion Paper No. 237.
Bauer, Ken. 2005. “Development and the enclosure movement in Pastoral Tibet since the 1980s” Nomadic Peoples 4(1): 53-83.
Shen, Jianfa. 2004. “Population growth, ecological degradation and construction in the western region of China.” Journal of Contemporary
fences and the demise of traditional nomadic pastoralism.” Nomadic Peoples 4(1): 83-
Miller, Daniel. 2000. “Tough times for nomads in western
State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet: Challenges of Recent Economic Growth
Emily Hannum. Economic Development and Cultural Change. Chicago: Apr 2008. Vol. 56, Iss. 3; p. 717
Ethnic Minority and China : Governance and Human Rights
Blachford, Dongyan & Zhu, Yuchao (2003). 'Mission impossible? Can China survive as a multinational state?', the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences Proceedings; accessed at / Social2003Proceeding s / Dongyanpercent20Blac hford.pdf.
Blum, Susan. (2002). 'Margins and centers: a decade of publishing on China's ethnic minorities'. Journal of Asian Studies, 61, 4, 1287-310.
Bovingdon, Gardner. (2004). 'Heteronomy and its discontents - minzu regional autonomy in Xinjiang', in Morris Rossabi (ed.) Governing China's Multiethnic Frontiers, Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, pp. 117-54.
Dreyer, June Teufel. (2000). 'The potential for instability in minority regions', in David Shambaugh (ed.) Is China Unstable?, New York: M. E. Sharpe, pp. 125-39.
Goldstein, Melvyn. (2004). 'Tibet and China in the twentieth century,' in Morris Rossabi (ed.) Governing China's Multiethnic Frontiers, Sealtle, WA: University of Washington Press, pp. 186-229.
Governing China's Multiethnic frontiers, Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. pp. 3-18.
Thornberry, Patrick. (2003). 'Self-determination, minorities, human rights: a review of international instruments,' in Charlotte Ku and Paul F.. Diehl (eds) International Law - Classic and Contemporary Readings, 2nd edn, Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner, pp. 135-53.
White Paper: Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities in China. (2005). White Paper: National Minorities Policy and Its Practice in China (1999), Beijing: Information Office of the State Council, People's Republic of China; accessed at http://www.china
State, Minorities, and Dilemmas of Development in Contemporary China, The A New Era of Development McCarthy, Susan K.
Handle with care: China's policy for multiculturalism and minority nationalities Source: Asian perspective [0258-9184] Magid yr:1998 vol:22 pg:5 -34
Autonomy and ethnicity: negotiating competing claims in multi-ethnic states / edited by Yash Ghai.: The search for deliberative democracy in China / edited by Ethan J. Leib and Baogang He.
China's ethnic minorities and globalisation / -
Critical issues in contemporary China / edited by Czeslaw Tubilewicz.
China and its national minorities: autonomy or assimilation? /
Poverty and inequality among Chinese minorities / A.S. Bhalla and Shufang Qiu.
China's population: problems, thoughts and policies /
The Chinese mosaic : the peoples and provinces of China / Leo J. Moser.
Sinicization beyond the Great Wall : China's Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region /
Questions and answers about China's minority nationalities / 1st ed.
Frontier people : Han settlers in minority areas of China /
Cultural encounters on China's ethnic frontiers / edited by Stevan Harrell.
China's minority cultures: identities and integration since 1912 /
Ethnic groups in China / 1st ed.
Minority rights : between diversity and community / Jennifer Jackson Preece
Minorities within minorities: equality, rights and diversity / edited by Avigail Eisenberg and Jeff Spinner-Halev.
Minority rights in Asia : a comparative legal analysis / Joshua Castellino and Elvira Domínguez Redondo.
Saich, Tony. 2001. Governance and the Politics of
Henders, Susan J. 2005. Ecological self-government: Visions from North American indigenous and Tibetan Buddhist thought. /Journal of Human Rights/ 4(1): 23-36.
Sautman, Barry and Shiu-hing Lo. 1995. The Tibet question and the Hong Kong experience. /Occasional Papers/Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies / 2 (127): 1-82.
Goodman, David. 2004. "The campaign to "Open up the west": national, provincial-leveland local perspectives." The China Quarterly. 3-30.
Dru C Gladney: Dislocating China : reflections on muslims ,minorities and other ethnic groups
Governing China multiethnic frontiers ed; Morris Rossabi
Negotiating ethnicity in China : citizenship as a response to state –Chi yu Shih
Ethnic groups in China : Wan Can 2004
Brown M, Negotiating ethnicities in china and Taiwan
Poverty of Plenty : wan yuaoqiang and nanyeng Bai
Tony Saich. Governance and Politics of China.N.Y: Palgrave Macmillan. 2004
Howell Jude.ed. Governance in China. U.K. Rowman and Little. 2004
Holding China together: diversity and national integrationb in post-deng era Naughton, Barry and Yang Dali .U,K. Cambridge university press. 2004
Rossibi, Morris. Governing China’s Multiethnic frontiers. W.A.: University of Washington Press. 2004.
Mackerras Colin. China’s minorities: integration and modernization in the twentieth century. Hong Kong: Oxford University press. 1994
if any one have the book entittled, "Colin Mackerras, Chinas minority cultures: identities and integration since 1912
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